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Expressions of Gratitude

Webb Financial Group


It’s easy to dwell on the problems of today and the events that occurred over the past few months, including the turbulent financial markets, COVID-19, canceled events, social distancing, and fear of the unknown. The list goes on and on, but we do know that this is a temporary setback. So instead of dwelling on all the problems confronting us today, we’d like to focus on what we are thankful for.

Gary Webb: I am thankful for the way God has wired me to serve others, using the various tools and gifts he has given me. I am grateful for a large, loving family. What a gift. I can’t thank my dad enough for asking me to come work at WFG back in the 90’s. I am grateful for this difficult market situation we’re in. Sound crazy? Well, it allowed me to show my clients we are in this with them and that we care. I have had the opportunity to encourage many of you over these last 5 weeks. I am grateful for all of it. It will get better! I am appreciative for all the clients I have the opportunity to work with over these many years. You have all placed your trust in us and I can’t tell you how rewarding that makes me feel every day, so thank you!

Tim Greife: As life once again has proven its ability to throw wicked curve-balls, I am grateful for all of the good hearted people in my life and in many others. The kindness and generosity I have seen over the last 2 weeks is very uplifting. Equally encouraging is the creativity and ingenuity I have been seeing. As systems become stressed and we are forced to change parts of our lives, our ability to deal with adversity shows that there is a path forward. Challenge creates opportunity, it’s what we do with it that makes a difference.

Dave Verbeke: I am thankful that my family member, who was treated for cancer last year, has recovered and is in good health, my college student is back home, and everyone is safe and healthy. With the help of internet, we can all work from home and stay on track serving clients, taking classes, and any business needs that come up at this time.

Mike Bischoff: I am very thankful for my parents (Happy 80th Birthday Mother!) and my up-bringing, as well those I’ve met through the years who helped shape the person I am today. When I was young, I was taught the value of saving and working hard whether it was delivering newspapers, working at my father’s small family business, as a janitor at church, or at the Green Giant canning factory. Because of these experiences, I learned the importance of always performing my best and caring about the people I worked with. I’m thankful now to instill these values in my children and to use this knowledge while working with the clients of Webb Financial Group.

Kristi Mattiuz: I am thankful that staying home and not being pulled in so many different directions reminds me to focus on what is important. I am grateful for many things including family, friends, and the opportunity to slow down and enjoy the little things that sometimes get overlooked due to today’s busy lifestyles.


Michelle Brennan: I am thankful for working for a company that is equipped for the unexpected. With the technology we have in place it was a smooth transition to work from home. I am grateful for Zoom, my phone & mouse :) I am blessed to have healthy parents, four inspiring, successful kids and amazing friends. I feel very fortunate to have great coworkers and wonderful clients that I enjoy helping and servicing.

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.” – Anonymous.

2025 by WEBB FINANCIAL GROUP. Proudly Created at


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